01 — the quick pitch
Pond’s is a 3-in-1 remover, cleanser and moisturizer. The problem? We’re being told to expand our skincare routines, not minimize them.
Make Pond’s a vanity must-have for people who need a product that’s tough on makeup but gentle on skin.
Position Pond’s as a makeup lover’s ally in a world that idolizes fresh-faced, natural, and effortless beauty as the ideal.
**Assignment: Reinvigorate a dying brand and make it relevant today.
02 — the brief
The 'natural look' dominates our culture. It’s all about the ‘no-makeup makeup’ look, with skincare and makeup brands like Glossier and Neutrogena embracing this version of beauty as the ideal.
But not everyone wants to wear less makeup. While the 'natural look' is trending, there is a sizable community of people who celebrate wearing bold, colorful makeup as a means of self-expression.
Some people feel most confident when they stand out, not when they blend in. These people aren’t wearing makeup to hide themselves from the world, they’re wearing it to bring themselves fully into it.
Position Pond’s as a makeup lover’s ally in cleansing their canvas for tomorrow’s masterpiece.
Pond’s - skincare that celebrates who you become each day.
Free to be bold.
03 — the creative
new logo & packaging
We’ve revamped the solid black Pond’s logo to make it more colorful and representative of the fun you can have with makeup.
We’ve also redesigned the packaging with a flat-top pump dispenser to protect these artists “canvases” and maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the product.
Our print campaign emphasizes our target’s need to express their true selves through makeup. Pond’s prepares skin each day so your canvas is ready to be bold ever single day.
We wanted to further Pond’s message by encouraging people to try bold makeup looks on Snapchat. Each filter will allow users to try out something new, with Pond’s Cold Cream wiping it all away at the end.
bold visions expo
An interactive booth that uses face ID technology to allow festival-goers to try on iconic makeup looks from the likes of Bowie and Ke$ha. It’s the perfect place to show up as bold makeup looks are already an integral and expected part of the festival experience.
expanding into makeup
With packaging inspired by tubes of paint, we created a line of tinted primers to encourage fun and color with Pond’s products during the application process.
04 — the final thoughts
Research: Survey / Interviews / Store Visits / Product Trial / Competitive Audit / Cultural Analysis / Product Reviews / Simmons / Mintel
Other: Manifesto / Brand Essence Video
Look outside the category your product plays in for inspiration and cultural context.
Alex Glaum (CBM)
Margaret Dick (ST)
Kate Fallon (ST)
Katie Paxton (AD)
Donald Kim (CW)
Elise Sokolowski (XD)